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  1. 2018 Koepon Internship

    a multi-state region to large, progressive partner dairies or work with source herds for Alta’s product ...

  2. Buckeye Kick Off

    25th!  Enjoy free food including the "Ohio Dog" (Ohio's own signature hot dog) and ... interactive games at the fan fest and tailgate on the south plaza outside the Ohio Stadium South Stands at ...

  3. Lucas County 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp

    topics relating to natural resources, gardening, nutrition, STEM (science, technology, engineering, ...

  4. Ohio Agronomy Guide 15th Edition, Bulletin 472

    Ohio Agronomy Guide 15th Edition, Bulletin 472. The newly revised Ohio Agronomy Guide serves as ... programs. Described in this manual is information on Ohio's climate and soil, soil and water ...

  5. Balancing Graduate School and Life- Columbus, Ohio

    Are you trying to figure out how to fit further education with day to day life? ...

  6. How is that stand?

    issues that are common most years in Ohio. 1. The Watermolds, Pythium and Phytophthora, are very common ... state where saturated soil conditions have occurred are the very typical.  Look for any shade of brown ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-36

    to become certified can be found state at the following websites: Ohio ... working with the Agronomic Crops Team and with all the growers in the state of Ohio. (He will also easily ... October 22, 2007- October 29, 2007 Curtis E. Young In This Issue: The Status of Ohio Winter Wheat- ...

  8. Meet Kaitlan. Major: Animal Sciences

    Meet Kaitlan Meet Kaitlan, an Animal Sciences student. ...

  9. Pelletized Lime in Production Systems

    Pelletized lime has been on the market for over ten years in Ohio. It consists of finely ground ... producers in Ohio. When evaluating a pelletized-lime source ask for the analysis sheet to obtain the ... Effective Neutralizing Power (ENP) value. Ohio lime regulations require liming materials sold in Ohio to ...

  10. Museum of Biological Diversity Open House- Columbus, Ohio

    Enjoy a day of exploration and discovery at the OSU Museum of Biological Diversity. The event is free and open to the public. There will be hands-on activities for all ages, live animals, and a chance to tour the collections.  More information on the muse ...
