
Search results

  1. Spring Dean’s List

    following students majoring in animal sciences or meat science are on the Dean's List for Spring ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-36

    above normal rainfall in much of Ohio. Rainfall was generally 100-200% of normal with normal being 2-3 ... is considerably behind what's normal for Ohio on this calendar date. As of Sunday October 18, ... average. Most Ohio farmers are focusing on completing soybean harvest and wheat planting. Moreover because ...

  3. Ohio Cattlemen's and Ohio Beef Council Internships

    The Ohio Cattlemen's Association and Ohio Beef Council offers many internships for college ...

  4. True Armyworm Moth Count Running High

    into Ohio. After migrating and establishing, armyworms begin to lay eggs in grasses, including wheat ...

  5. Alltech Research Intern

    students the opportunity to work in a professional research setting and utilize state-of-the-art equipment ...

  6. USTA Research Internship

    a cover letter and resume to Jennifer Blough, the Director of Human Resources as the United States ...

  7. Two new lecture funds honor CFAES retirees

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and supports an annual lecture. The Keith L. Smith ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-36

    in Ohio. We generally recommend that wheat be planted no later than the third week of October to ... the state suggest that between 75-95% of the wheat was planted within the recommended time (within the ... parts of the state is forcing some producers to consider planting wheat during the last week of October ...

  9. Select Hybrids with Resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight: How does it work?

    in prevalence and severity in Ohio and across the corn belt. In 2015, it showed up much earlier than ... the four genes.   Field surveys conducted in Ohio during the 1980s and repeated again 20 years later ... (in 2003 and 2004) showed that races 0 and 1 of E. turcicum were the most prevalent in the state ...

  10. All-Ohio Chapter Soil & Water Conservation Society Annual Conference

    2017 from 9 am – 3 pm at the Der Dutchmen Restaurant in Plain City, Ohio. Topics include: Soil ...
