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Planting and Pollinators
Beekeepers in Ohio benefitted from the generally mild winter of 2015-2016. In Columbus we lost ... less than 20% of our colonies over winter. Spring is the only reliably good season for bees in Ohio ...
Armyworm in Corn and Small Grains
likely made it into Ohio. After migrating and establishing, armyworms begin to lay eggs in grasses, ...
Seed treatments for watermolds and fungi are essential for Ohio’s poorly drained soils
Much of Ohio’s soybean production ground is on soils with poor to fair drainage, high clay ... recovered from all of Ohio soils and this is favored by warmer temperatures and wet soils. True fungi, ... a small portion of the total grain crop pathogen complex that Ohio farmers must deal with on an annual ...
Conservation Tillage Conference Provides Answers
Center at Ohio Northern University will once again be the location were about 60 presenters, several ... Ohio. A general session, Corn University, cover crops and manure, precision fertility, along with ...
Fish and Wildlife Society Internship Discussion with Ohio EPA
Need an internship? The Ohio EPA will be visiting the OSU Fish and Wildlife Society's meeting ...
Side- Wall and Pinch Row Compaction
place. Today, many central-fill planters operate in Ohio with some carrying fertilizer tanks mounted at ...
Spray Diagnostics Field Day
Field Day from 10 AM to Noon at 14739 Kruse Road (Bob Engle farm), Wapakoneta, Ohio. Spray nozzle ...
Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start
fully. Research in Ohio and other Corn Belt states generally indicates that earlier maturity hybrids lose ...
When vacant lots become urban gardens: Characterizing the perceived and actual food safety concerns of urban agriculture in Ohio
urban agriculture in Ohio. Journal of Food Protection 78(11):2070-2080. Nicholas Basta ...
Ohio EPA Internship Postings for 2015
The Ohio EPA internship postings for 2015 are now available at: ... Students will be able to apply for the positions from now until February 13th. Please forward ... this information to students that you think may be interested in the positions. Each year Ohio EPA ...