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  1. 2014 Soybean Seed Treatment and Foliar Trials Available Online

    The purpose of the Ohio Soybean Seed Treatment and Foliar Trials are to evaluate soybean seed ... sixteen soybean seed treatments at six locations in Ohio.  Seed treatments included biologicals, ... check.  Results of the 2014 Ohio Soybean Seed Treatment Trial can be found here:  ...

  2. More on killing corn in a replant situation

    + metribuzin was not as consistently effective as Select Max, which is accurate.  We also stated that the ...

  3. Donations

    There are two avenues of use for horses donated to the The Ohio State University Equine Program. ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-14 and for information on estimating yield reduction due to BYDV refer to an article by Shaner and ... larger numbers in states to our south. These numbers mean that Ohio growers will need to monitor wheat, ... drainage and soil crusting have reduced stands in some Ohio corn fields. In affected fields, the remaining ...

  5. Foliar Diseases Already Showing up in Corn

    showing up in some corn fields. Although this a little bit on the early side for Ohio, it is not at all ... about V10 (ten-leaf stage) to VT across the state. With such a wide variation in crop development, if ...

  6. Weed Management Resources

    (searchable with live menu links)- $9.99.  A free basic pdf is available on the OSU Weed Science website ...

  7. Seeking a Twospotted Spider Mite Trial Location

    control in soybean and sweet corn (Agri-Mek SC).  We would like to test this product in Ohio soybeans, and ...

  8. Animal Science Seminars: Okonkwo and Loeffler

    platform-type presentations Place – Animal Science Bldg 212 & Gerlaugh 122 First Seminar Speaker ...

  9. Pollination Underway in April Planted Corn

    state’s corn was silking compared to 16% for the 5-year average. Given the wide range in corn planting ...

  10. Companion Animals

    They provide health benefits, helping to improve our moods and mental states. Dogs, in particular, help ...
