
Search results

  1. West Ohio Agronomy Day (January 11) & Evening (January 19)

    The evening portion of the 2016 West Ohio Agronomy Day will be held on Tuesday, January 19th at ... day-long 2016 West Ohio Agronomy Day will be held on Monday, January 11th at St. Michael’s Hall in Fort ... also be picked up at any Ohio Extension office. Others who want to attend can register by contacting ...

  2. Employers on Campus (EOC)

    interact with today's employer on campus, Ohio Corn and Wheat. Location: CFAES Student Success Center ...

  3. How Can the Timing of Stress Affect Yield in Corn?

    early planted corn in parts of the state, with exposed leaf tissue showing extreme necrosis. Alternating ... development. Iowa State Univ. Ext. PMR 1009. Shaw, R.H. and J.E. Newman. 1991. Weather stress in the corn crop. ...

  4. Weather Update

    early May and it has done so. Overall, May will be warmer and drier than normal across Ohio. The best ... chances for normal rainfall appear to be across northern Ohio.  Planting will likely be well ahead of ...

  5. What is the Meaning of Feekes Growth Stages in Wheat?

    Currently wheat fields in Ohio are at Feekes Growth Stage 5. A description of each Feekes Growth Stage is ... growth stage 10.5. Heads generally emerge mid to late May depending on the location in the state ...

  6. Mahoning 4-H Community Open House- Canfield, Ohio

    The 4-H open house is an evening full of information about 4-H and how to get involved.  4-H provides many opportunities for community service and leadership through livestock projects, cooking, sewing, robotics and many more. Participants will be able to ...

  7. Soybean Rust Information

    Ohio Field Crops Diseases Soybean Rust Website Soybean Rust Fact Sheet  (pdf) Skip Row Soybean ...

  8. Ohio's Water Resources at Risk- Ag-related Practices and Policies to Prevent Harmful Algal Blooms, post-Toledo

    Ruetter, Director, Ohio Sea Grant. You must register to attend the breakfasts. Registration and payment ...

  9. Winter Wheat Progress and Management

    locations were at Feekes growth stage 5 (leaf sheath erect). In northwest Ohio, wheat is at green-up to ... Feekes growth stage 4. Generally, Feekes growth stage 6 occurs in southern Ohio during early April; ... fungicides with nitrogen or herbicides, our data shows that under conditions in Ohio fungicide applications ...

  10. Wind Damage in Corn- “Green Snap” and Root Lodging

    tissues at the nodes. Although we encounter green snap problems periodically in Ohio, it's usually ...
