
Search results

  1. Basic Wood ID

    Basic Wood ID Robert Fulton Ag Center 8770 State Route 108 Wauseon, OH    ...

  2. Ohio Woodland Stewards Forest Health: Non-native Invasive Insects

    (includes lunch) Location: Big Creek Park, 9160 Robinson Road, Chardon, Ohio For more information and to ...

  3. When is it Time for a No-till Field to be Tilled?

    more likely to succeed on poorly drained soils (like those in Northwest Ohio) if corn follows soybean ...

  4. Ear development impacted by drought conditions

    Drought and heat adversely affected ear and kernel formation in many Ohio corn fields this year. ...

  5. We've been slimed-- Slugs impacting corn and soybean crops in Ohio

    The mild and rainy planting season not only delayed getting our crops in, but also favored slug populations to thrive. We have been receiving many calls on slug damage, especially in cover crops that have just been killed. As the cover crop dies down, the ...

  6. Climate Change & National Security

    the United States Armed Forces and the international events, both humanitarian relief efforts and arms ...

  7. Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute Session 3

    The Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute's 3rd Session will be held at the Nationwide and ... Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center and runs from 7:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. Continental breakfast provided at ... around energy supply and demand in Ohio. Panelists will share their approach to ensuring a sustainable ...

  8. Early POST application of preemergence corn and soybean herbicides

    “Weed Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana”.  However, we find that labels can lack enough information on ... Ohio.  Anything that contains metribuzin, flumioxazin (Valor), and sulfentrazone (Authority) cannot be ... Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana” when trying to make a choice for this situation.  ...

  9. EPN Breakfast

    Ohio's Forests Need Foresters or Magicians? Panelists will include Dave Apsley, Natural Resources ... of Forestry. This event will be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus. ...

  10. EPN Partners with the Columbus Metropolitan Club for November Luncheon

    Director and Chief of Staff, Ohio Dept. of Transportation. The moderator will be William Murdock, Executive ... Director of the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission. Brian Pallasch will start the program with a brief ...
