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  1. Youth Scientist Curriculum Adult Education Class- day 1

    curriculum as well as a teaching kit to get started! Registration is open until July 31st on the Ohio ...

  2. Manure Science Review

    2015 program will be held in Darke County. Legislation updates, Lessons from Winter 2015 applications, Emergency Planning, Extending the application windows and field demonstration of application equipment are on the schedule./   Registration Deadline Ear ...

  3. Brian McSpadden Gardener, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Ohio State

    Diversity and biogeography of Cryptococcus flavescens, a biocontrol of Fusarium Head Blight. 121 Fisher (Wooster) videolinked to 244 Kottman (Columbus). ...

  4. DNA Technology

    process many more. With funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (UK) and ...

  5. TWEL Jennifer Smith-Castro Thesis

    riparian forests in central Ohio. Sites were located in urbanizing landscapes and contained paved and ...

  6. TWEL Kelly Atchison Thesis

    central Ohio. Forest birds were surveyed along a 250 X 40 m transect adjacent to the river 3 times each ...

  7. Graduate Exit Seminar

    (Empidonax virescens) in Urbanizing Landscapes of Ohio, USA. Among environmental contaminants hazardous to ... central Ohio, USA during 2011-2012. At each site, I tested mercury levels in samples from river water, ...

  8. Rice Blast and Wheat Blast

    diseases in other cereals crops such as wheat and corn grown in Ohio. Our expertise in the molecular ...

  9. Seminar: David Francis, Associate Professor, Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio State

    Breeding for resistance to bacterial diseases of tomato. Fisher 121 (Wooster) and Kottman 244 (Columbus). ...

  10. Seminar: Dave Mackey, Associate Professor, Dept of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio State

    Collaborative targeting of the plant defense network by bacterial virulence factors.  Kottman 244 (Columbus) videolink to Fisher 121 (Wooster).  ...
