
Search results

  1. A.B. Graham's Legacy


  2. Farmland Leasing Issues Workshop with Barry Ward

    Learn more. Location and registration information: Kent State University-Tuscarawas, 330 ...

  3. Wexner Medical Center and James Cancer Hospital Tour

    Undergraduate students: You’re Invited! Pharmacy Career Services has partnered with the Wexner Medical Center/James Cancer Hospital to provide a unique learning experience for BSPS & other undergraduate students to tour the facility and meet pharmacy ...

  4. Letter from Tim Haab, AEDE Department Chair

    findings that show Ohio lagging the nation in small business and entrepreneurship growth; from a new and ...

  5. Tim Haab Named 2016-2017 Chair-Elect of the National Association of Agricultural Economics Administrators

    graduate programs. With Appalachian State University’s John Whitehead, he also co-authors the popular ...

  6. AWBC Meeting

    The next Animal Welfare & Behavior Club meeting will be February 28th at 5:30 pm in Enarson 238. Dr. Teresa Burns will be speaking about soring and controversial issues in the horse racing industry. Cane's chicken fingers will be provided! Hope t ...

  7. Event Recap: The Micro Foundations of Macro Sorting Models

    Ohio State, focused on price analysis and applied econometrics in his career. The yearly seminar named ... continental United States.   As Phaneuf and Hamilton note in their research, “Households first select ...

  8. Why farmers come to the Farm Science Review


  9. New Analysis from Thraen and Newton Offers Insight on U.S. Dairy Margin Insurance Programs Currently Being Debated in Washington D.C.

    and Dr. Brian Gould both from the University of Wisconsin, and Dr. Christopher Wolf of Michigan State ... about Dr. Thraen and Newton’s work in U.S. dairy policy, please see the Ohio Dairy Web. April 17, 2013 ...

  10. Ohio Holstein Women's Scholarship

    The Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship is dedicated to the encouragement of deserving and qualified ...
