
Search results

  1. Summer Grafting Workshop- Wooster, Ohio

    This ​workshop ​will ​cover ​summer ​grafting ​of ​tree ​species.  ...

  2. Summer Weed ID Class- Wooster, Ohio

    Not sure if it is a good plant or a bad plant? Come to the summer weed ID class and find out!  ...

  3. Intro to Macro Photography- Wooster, Ohio

    Join Danae Wolfe, OSU Extension Educational Technology Specialist for a hands-on introduction to macro photography, including field sessions and photo critiques.  ...

  4. Propagation Workshop- Wooster, Ohio

    This workshop is designed to teach cutting propagation techniques for woody plants. ...

  5. Winter Weed ID Class- Wooster, Ohio

    Not sure if it is a good plant or a bad plant? Come to the winter weed ID class at Secrest Arborteum and find out! ...

  6. Managing Wildlife Conflict Around Your Home-Ohio Woodlands Stewards

    While the growth of cities and suburban areas can displace some wildlife, many species actually thrive in these areas. Viewing these species as they travel through your backyard can be enjoyable, but sometimes conflict arises—usually in the form of eaten ...

  7. Short-term effects of cover cropping on the quality of a Typic Argiaquolls in Central Ohio

    Argiaquolls in Central Ohio. Catena 131:125-129. Rattan Lal Journal article ...

  8. Recently Published

    nutrition.  Journal of Animal Science. 93(4):1450-1470. Hackmann TJ, Firkins JL. 2015. Maximizing efficiency ...

  9. Conservation Ecology in an African Biodiversity "Hotspot"

    efforts to foster conservation. But the pursuit of field-based science also is not without its ...

  10. Prothonotary Warbler draws faculty member to Panama

    concern” in Ohio and on a number of watch lists nationally for conservation action.     The Prothonotary ... Warbler spends its breeding season in Ohio, it migrates and winters in the tropical mangrove forests, ... and federal agencies in Panama, Ohio, Virginia, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Arkansas. Together, ...
