
Search results

  1. Organic Poultry Pasture Walk and Discussion

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s East Badger Organic Research Farm, 7250 Ely ...

  2. OSU PVMA Fundraiser

    Fundraiser at Buckeye Donuts this Thursday 11/17! 20% of gross sales come back to the club. Come support PVMA and enjoy some yummy donuts from 5-9pm and DONUT forget to mention why you are there! For more information and a link to the flyer, check out our ...

  3. Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2005-2006

    agriculture land and rental markets. This survey found that on a statewide basis, bare Ohio cropland averaged ... January 1, 2006 Ohio Cropland Values and Cash rents 2005-2006.pdf ...

  4. Horsemen's Association Meeting

    The next OSU Horsemen's Association meeting will be Tuesday November 15th at 6pm in 102 Plumb Hall. We will have the privileged of having a PATH certified equine assisted therapist discuss her experience in this growing field. As always pizza will be ...

  5. News


  6. Ohio at a Crossroads: A Primer on Economic Development Policy

    Presented by Mark Partridge at the May 2008 Swank Advisory Council Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, May ...

  7. Helping Ohio Compete: Bringing the 21st Century to Ohio's Local Governments

    Presented by Mark Partridge for the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation Rural Advisory Team. Plain City, ...

  8. Impact of Onsite Wastewater Treatment on Communities and the Rural Economy

    Presented by Mark Partridge at Ohio Water Quality and Waste Management Conference, Columbus, OH, ...

  9. Farmland As a Multi-Service Resource: Policy Trends and International Comparisons

    There is a distinct public policy trend in the United States and many other post-industrial ...

  10. News

