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Horsemen's Association Meeting
On Tuesday November 1s t, OSU Horsemen's Association will have their next meeting at OSU horse barn. Come learn about horse health while working directly with horses! We will have a carpool leaving at 6:00 pm in front of Plumb Hall. As always pizza w ...
Ohio Beef Expo
CFAES Recognition Banquet
CFAES Recognition Banquet will be held in the Ohio Union, Archie Griffin Ballroom. The CFAES ...
Tri State Dairy Nutrition Conference
For the schedule and register ...
Watershed- Exploring a New Water Ethic for the New West
City of Denver will introduce the film. David Rutter, Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, will ...
Meat Science Students Create New Products
It's that time of year...time for tasting the final products created by MEATSCI 4510 students. This year's menu included a variety of tasty items developed and produced by student teams. ...
Triple Divide Film Showing
SENR alum, Melanie Houston (MS 2010), works for the Ohio Environmental Council, and has provided ...
Farm Science Review
TWEL Andrew Kniowski Thesis
in Pickaway Co. Ohio USA, I captured 60 Indiana bats (including five recaptured bats) July–September ...
Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser – Pre-Vet Club
OSU Pre-Vet Club is hosting a Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser October 17- October 18 from 11am-2am. Come out to Buffalo Wild Wings, watch football, and eat wings! Show our flyer and 10% of the proceeds will go toward OSU Pre-Vet Club!! The flyer can be show ...