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public rubber

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  1. Internships

    public gardens across central Ohio and engage in other professional development activities, and cap off ... who have a strong interest in learning about plants, horticulture, and public gardens, enjoy working ...

  2. Olivia Liebing Receives Magnolia Society International Travel Scholarship!

    What are your career aspirations? I would like to work in public gardens and develop production ...

  3. Dr. Jonathan Fresnedo Ramirez

    (almond), neodomestication of supplemental crops for biomaterial production (rubber dandelion), omics-aided ...

  4. Adventures at the 2024 Tri-Societies Meeting

    Tech Short Extension Publication. Additionally, Emma Matcham, contributed to work on the Savvy Full ...

  5. Extension/Outreach

    University, provide factsheets online to help educate the public about myriads of topics. OSU Factsheets on ...

  6. Our Buy-One, Get-One Membership Drive has Begun!

    received free admission to a public garden you visited while traveling, you know that our  membership ...

  7. 'Tis the gift-giving season!

    the Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser, or received free admission to a public garden you visited while traveling, ...

  8. About Us

    maintenance of a public garden. Ohio State faculty provide input into the collections and plant material ...

  9. Dr. Laura Deeter

    course, I also fell in love with public speaking, and began looking for careers that would be a blend of ... outdoor time, public speaking, and plants. Enter graduate school and a requirement to TA classes. Toward ...

  10. Sustainable Agriculture

    knowledge to pursue an entrepreneurial career in a wide range of public or private organizations. Through ...
