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public rubber

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  1. Our Buy-One, Get-One Membership Drive has Begun!

    received free admission to a public garden you visited while traveling, you know that our  membership ...

  2. 'Tis the gift-giving season!

    the Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser, or received free admission to a public garden you visited while traveling, ...

  3. Emilee Drerup, MPH, CHES

    Emilee Drerup, MPH, CHES Program Director,Extension Public Health AmeriCorps (EPHAC) ...

  4. Internships

    public gardens across central Ohio and engage in other professional development activities, and cap off ... who have a strong interest in learning about plants, horticulture, and public gardens, enjoy working ...

  5. Beautiful but harmful: The spotted lanternfly’s growing threat in Ohio

    Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) is actively educating the public about the ...

  6. Mental Wellness Education

    University’s Center for Public Health Practice  Ohio Mental Health Resource Guides (county specific)  ...

  7. NSF-funded center to drive development of US natural rubber industry

    federal funding to jumpstart natural rubber production in the United States and enhance workforce ...  today (Aug. 21, 2024) for the creation of the “Transformation of American Rubber through Domestic ... Walter “Ted” Carter Jr. said. “Ohio State is proud to lead this work advancing domestic natural rubber ...

  8. Newly Developed Vaccine Toolkit Now Available

    vaccines and promote public health across Ohio. The Extension Foundation, in cooperation with the Extension ... out in the public. This resource can help individuals answer their vaccination questions and then make ...

  9. It all comes naturally

    Through 4-H, Anderson also developed a strong foundation in public speaking, a skill that is essential in ... his line of work: “My whole career is based on public speaking. Without 4-H, I’m not sure where ...

  10. OSU Extension Engages at IFHE Conference

    Barton (Miami County) Extending Family and Consumer Sciences Programming with Extension Public Health ...
