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public rubber

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  1. NACAA Conference Recap

    – Newsletter   Robert Moore – Publication     State award winners include:   Aaron Wilson – Educational Video ...

  2. Women in Agriculture Monthly Webinars

    and the public. More information can be found at ...

  3. Publications Order Process in Workday

    (Publications Printed) This is a GOODS item. Quantity = 1, Unit Measure = Bundle, Unit Cost = Order Total Under ... aids in processing payment. Multiple publication orders can be added to the same requisition in ... Business Purpose, not just “ordering publications”, remember to justify the WHY. Paying with a Workday ...

  4. Katrina Cornish

    Biology Rubber Waste utilization Sustainable fillers Biofuels Hydroponics Crop domestication Alternate ... rubber crops Director, Program of Excellence in Natural Rubber Alternatives Fellow of the National ... Association for the Advancement of Science. Katrina Cornish, Ph.D., is a global expert on alternate rubber and ...

  5. Khanal to lead agricultural technology research and training program in Nepal

    at OSU with NARC colleagues and other relevant stakeholders through workshops and publications, which ...

  6. Cross and Drewry investigate machine learning for soil heat flux in newly published article

    a publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of computational ecology, data science, ...

  7. Guidance and Preparation for Interactions with First Amendment Activists

    offices. These individuals visit public office buildings to record interactions with the intent to provoke ... that are off-limits to the public without authorization is an important step you should take now to ... prepare your Extension office.   Identify which spaces in your building are clearly “public” or “intended ...

  8. Awards & Opportunities

    excellence in projects, leadership, citizenship, public speaking, and overall participation in 4-H learning ... current year. 2. Applicants must meet the requirements for the Community Service, Public Speaking, and ...

  9. Melanie Medina

    University Fellowship Publications Medina Lopez M; Lopez Nicora H, Benitez Ponce MS. 2024. Fungal communities ...

  10. Industry Advisory Council (IAC)

    public, corporate, education, association, and recent graduate representation from construction or ...
