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  1. Mental Health First Aid Training

    read Ohio State University’s Center for Public Health Practice Ohio Mental Health Resource Guides ...

  2. Virtual Q&A for Making Food at Home to Sell

    produced in home kitchens and sold to the public). Each virtual Q&A session will begin with ...

  3. Virtual Q&A for Making Food at Home to Sell

    produced in home kitchens and sold to the public). Each virtual Q&A session will begin with ...

  4. EPHAC Current Openings

    Extension Public Health AmeriCorps is recruiting AmeriCorps members to serve in local ...

  5. OSU Extension, Public Health AmeriCorps (EPHAC) ADMIN TOOLKIT


  6. Awards & Opportunities

    excellence in projects, leadership, citizenship, public speaking, and overall participation in 4-H learning ... current year. 2. Applicants must meet the requirements for the Community Service, Public Speaking, and ...

  7. Master Gardener Volunteers

    questions from the public; conducting plant clinics; gardening activities with children, senior citizens, or ...

  8. HPAI: Avian Influenza in Dairy Cattle

    properly handled and cooked. This is not considered a threat to public health. Credits:  College of Food, ...

  9. Aging

    and resources on elder abuse, neglect and exploitation to professionals and the public. First ... In addition, the Committee publishes materials of assistance to those interested in public policies ... scientific information to educate, inform, and assist in translating its research into public health ...

  10. Occasional Quantity Cook Training

    providing food at one-time events; and anyone who serves food to the public occasionally such as bake sales, ...
