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  1. Construction students get high-level training from Ohio CAT at the Digital Earthworks Sandbox

    Center, fulfilling The Ohio State University’s vision of being the 'model 21st-century public, land ...

  2. The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready

    grant. Funding is available through grants from various sources, including public and private local, ... transportation or public safety, for example" (Grantcycle, 2023). Block grants are most often awarded to ... These may come from community organizations, educational partners, and/or public legislators if funding ...

  3. OSU Extension partners with Generation Rx to promote medication safety among Ohio’s older adults

    its potential to improve public health.” As Ohio’s population continues to age, the need for programs ...

  4. Mary Gardiner named Distinguished Professor

    $8.1 million in grant funding and 74 peer-reviewed publications, Gardiner’s contributions have ...

  5. Calibration of Orchard and Vineyard Sprayers

    calibration method explained in this publication is to determine the actual application rate of a sprayer in ... University Extension publication (FABE-534) " Selecting the Right Type and Size of Nozzles for Effective ... University Extension publication FABE-520, “ Calibrating Boom Sprayers. ” Other Adjustments Needed for ...

  6. “Oh Deer!” – Collaborative Deer Management Program to Tackle Growing Wildlife Challenge

    officers, public safety officials, and anyone interested in effective deer management strategies. The ...

  7. Ohio State educator honored with national early-career teaching award

    early-career teaching award by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU).  The award, which ...

  8. Slow-moving vehicle emblem: A landmark in agricultural safety

    dedicated the emblem to the public, ensuring it would not be patented or trademarked but freely used for ... safety. “Ohio State made a significant contribution to public safety by giving this symbol to everyone,” ...

  9. Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio ...

  10. How anti-obesity drugs are linked to food waste

    medications have a chance to impact global public health, and research suggests changes in intake of food can ...
