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public rubber

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  1. NSF-funded center to drive development of US natural rubber industry

    rubber production in the United States and enhance workforce development to fuel the new domestic ... of the “Transformation of American Rubber through Domestic Innovation for Supply Security” (TARDISS) ... proud to lead this work advancing domestic natural rubber production in our state and region.” TARDISS, ...

  2. The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready

    grant. Funding is available through grants from various sources, including public and private local, ... transportation or public safety, for example" (Grantcycle, 2023). Block grants are most often awarded to ... These may come from community organizations, educational partners, and/or public legislators if funding ...

  3. Newly Developed Vaccine Toolkit Now Available

    vaccines and promote public health across Ohio. The Extension Foundation, in cooperation with the Extension ... out in the public. This resource can help individuals answer their vaccination questions and then make ...


    Read the story Read the feature story NSF-funded center to drive development of US natural rubber ...

  5. Student Spotlight: Alex Babinski and the Ecological Engineering Society

    Drinking and Ground Waters, examining public water systems projects and implementing new water lines ...

  6. Dhakal and Katari receive ASABE Presentation Excellence Awards

    analytical framework leveraging publicly available Sentinel-2 imagery, digital elevation models, and machine ...

  7. OSU Extension Engages at IFHE Conference

    Barton (Miami County) Extending Family and Consumer Sciences Programming with Extension Public Health ...

  8. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

    sheet were appropriately labeled at the time of publication. Because pesticide labeling may change at ... herbicides recommended in this publication read the label and SDS (Safety Data Sheet). Originally written ...

  9. Elderberry Production in Ohio

    the Midwest are American elderberries (Sambucus nigra (subsp. canadensis)), this publication focuses ... Agroforestry. Dudenhoeffer, A., Quinn, J. 2018. “Mass Trapping as an ...

  10. Aging

    and resources on elder abuse, neglect and exploitation to professionals and the public. First ... In addition, the Committee publishes materials of assistance to those interested in public policies ... scientific information to educate, inform, and assist in translating its research into public health ...
