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  1. Transfer Credit

    Visit OSU Registrar for full transfer credit information. Did you attend a state (public ...

  2. Larry Phelan

    Larry Phelan Some recent publications: Kim, Y. N., Basta, N. T., Gardiner, M. M., and Phelan, P. ... 2019. Publications: Oliveira, N.C., Phelan, P.L., Labate, C.A., Cônsoli, F.L. 2022. Non-targeted ...

  3. Student Awards

    recommendation, CV and a copy of relative extension publications should be sent as one PDF by your advisor to ...

  4. Cooking Under "Instant Pot" Pressure

    Coshocton Public Library, 655 Main Street, Coshocton, OH. She will demonstrate a variety of recipes ...

  5. From the Chair, Jamie Strange, PhD

    in CFAES. Our position will focus on urban insect ecology, specifically with insects of public health ...

  6. Tenth Anniversary of Dairy Palooza

    champions in all our publicity and the fact that complimentary halters and souvenir t-shirts were also ...

  7. Graduate Transfer Credit

    (public) university in Ohio or a community college?  When ordering a transcript from your prior school, ...

  8. Happy Retirement to Dianne Shoemaker

    publications, her work has reached far beyond the borders of Ohio agriculture. Dianne has been recognized by her ...

  9. Future Students

    veterinary and public health entomology, sustainable agriculture, and integrated pest management in ... department provide information to agricultural and industry groups and the general public in Ohio, the U.S. ...

  10. Staff Spotlight Series- Greta Lynch

    perodic Staff Spotlights will give the public an opportunity to learn more about each staff member's ...
