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  1. Ohio Hunger Dialogues to be Held on Sept. 8-9

    and global communities. The conference is open to the general public; and it will be held on Sept. 8-9 ...

  2. Building Entrepreneur-Friendly Communities in Ohio

    explore the various roles that public officials can play in maintaining and growing an environment that ...

  3. Time to Start Scouting for Potato Leafhoppers in Alfalfa For a video on scouting technique visit https ...

  4. Food Safety Graduate Courses

    consumers. Demonstration of food safety system from cellular aspects though public policy. Prereq: Micrbiol ... to other environmental matrices and their public health impacts. Cross-listed in PubHlth 7360. While ... food safety. Students will learn the role of the public sector in ensuring food safety. Prereq: Grad ...

  5. Keep an Eye on the Horizon for Dry Weather Insect Pests What can you do right now?  Be aware that in dry conditions early scouting efforts for these pests ...

  6. May is Mental Health Awareness Month

    educate the public about mental illnesses, the realities of living with these conditions, and strategies ...

  7. Thoughts from the Director

    start and stop times within an office, if the public office hours are covered and your schedule can be ...

  8. Food Safety Undergraduate Courses

    Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 450. Public Health Course Number Course Name Unit(s) ... Description PUBHEHES 4530 Food Safety and Public Health 2.0 Principles and practice of food safety; ...

  9. Grants & Funding

    as public schools and libraries. Ohio Environmental Education Fund The Ohio Environmental Protection ... education projects in Ohio that target the general public, specific communities regulated by the Ohio EPA, ... communicate effectively with the public and policy-makers, and contribute to the federal policymaking process. ...

  10. Conducting Extension Outreach on Controversial Topics Two-Session Webinar – Feb. 28, March 7

    attend live. Overview: Extension work is taking the university to the public. This means that ... occasionally Extension professionals must engage in programming on topics that address controversial public ... uncertainty out of identifying precise roles for Extension in addressing controversial public issues. It will ...
