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  1. Ohio State announces plans for an autumn semester return to campuses

    now or a month from now,” said Amy Fairchild, dean of the College of Public Health and co-chair of the ... rigorous and ongoing consideration.” Public information initiative To inform the community and reinforce ... public information initiative using social media, signage, instructional videos and other means. The ...

  2. Ohio State Students Successful at National Critique And Contest

    Kolt Buchenroth, “Calf on a Hill,” second place Publication Division: Brochure/Pamphlet: Marlee ... “ACT’s Fall Alumni Newsletter,” first place Publication Award of Excellence: Marlee Stollar, “Celebration ...

  3. Public Issues Leadership Development Conference – April 5-8, 2020

    Consider attending the PILD conference this year in Arlington, Virginia. Registration opened earlier this month, and you can visit for more information. ...

  4. OSU Extension offices throughout Ohio will implement teleworking options for staff amid current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak concerns

    and all OSU Extension offices will be closed to the public until further notice. This mirrors The Ohio ... campuses to “critical services” only (such as law enforcement and public safety; hospitals and health ...


    Contests, Public speaking)    Photo Gallery Contact: Breanna Battle, President ...

  6. Food Science and Technology

    of Columbus Public Schools. The Wilbur V. and Frances L. Moore Memorial Scholarship Fund.  Supports ...

  7. Paws and Pumpkins on October 26

    hayrides, pumpkin decorating, a costume contest, and more!  This event is free and open to the public –  so ...

  8. Calling 911

    direct them to the correct location. Because our classroom spaces are quite public, please maximize the ...

  9. BTES Speaking Engagements

    advancement/development professionals from 4-year private and public colleges, she delivered the following ...

  10. ATI recruitment publication wins award

    Materials Division- Specialty Items/Give-aways" category of the Projects and Publications awards.   ... publication here, or stop by the admissions office and see it in person!   ...
