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  1. CFAES scientist breeds 30 percent faster-growing perch

    of Ohio Sea Grant's Twine Line newsletter, Christina ...

  2. Ohio 4-H inducts 4 into Hall of Fame

    parliamentary procedure and public speaking skills at 4-H club meetings. In addition, Bill's commitment to ...

  3. Why 'climate change doesn't seem so remote' now

    Climate change tends to pop into public conversation every few months or so, but for Ohio ...

  4. Ohio State Names New VP for Agricultural Administration

    experiment station component of the Board of Agriculture Assembly of the Association of Public and Land-Grant ...

  5. How do you spell Clean Marinas?

    Program is open to all Lake Erie public and private marinas. For more information, click  here.-- ...

  6. Report Shows How to Say Goodbye to Harmful Algal Blooms

    innovative efforts like water trusts, cost shares, drain fee incentives, and public-private partnerships that ...

  7. How to bring local, healthier foods back to school

    subject of health and consumption of locally produced foods is of great public interest. Fresh fruits and ...

  8. Dairy Herd Health Protocols

    and/or farm employees. As agriculture increasingly falls under public scrutiny and consumer demand exerts ...

  9. How Good Nutrition Can Combat Effects of Lead in Water

    dangerous amounts of lead in public drinking water supplies in Flint, Michigan, and Sebring, Ohio. But lead ...

  10. OSU Dairy Economist: Milk Prices, Global Export Demand and New Margin Protection Program Will Be Topics to Watch in 2015

    meetings are open to the public. A meal is provided with each meeting and is included in the registration ...
