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  1. Grad Publications 2006-2009

    Torto-Alalibo, Jorunn I. B. Bos, Edgar Huitema, Zhenyu Liu and Jing Song- were co-authors in the publication ... 393-398 (Sept. 17, 2009).  The co-lead author of the publication was Sophien Kamoun (formerly at Ohio ...

  2. New publication

    Hill, Amy L., Whitehill, Justin G. A., Opiyo, Stephen O., Phelan, P. L, and Bonello, Pierluigi (2012). Nutritional attributes of Ash (Fraxinus Spp.) outer bark and phloem and their relationships to resistance against the Emarald Ash borer. Tree Physiology ...

  3. New Publication

    Shingqin, L., Opiyo, S. O., Manthey, K., Glanzer, J., Ashley, A., Courtney. T., Kyle, S., Shrivastav, M., Nickoloff, J., and Oakley, G. 2012. Distinct Roles for DNA-PK, ATM, and ATR in RPA Phosphorylation and Checkpoint Activation in Response to Replicati ...

  4. 3 new publications in Oct. Plant Disease issue

    Jorge David Salgado, L.V. Madden, P.A. Paul. 2014. Efficacy and Economics of Integrating In-Field and Harvesting Strategies to Manage Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat. Plant Disease 98: 1407-1421 Kelsey F. Andersen, L. Morris, R. C. Derksen, L. V. Madden, an ...

  5. 2010

    soybean rust pest information platform for extension and education (PIPE) public website's impact on ...

  6. Boehm publications

    Recent scholarly publications from the Boehm Lab  Contact: Venu, R. C.; Zhang, ...

  7. Paul Publications

    Selected recent publications Ellis Margaret L.; Paul Pierce A.; Dorrance Anne E.; Broders, Kirk D. ...

  8. Qu publications

    Publications Zhang, Xiuchun; Zhang, Xiaofeng; Singh, Jasleen; Li, Dawei; and Qu, Feng. 2012. ...

  9. 2007 Grower 1.1.pdf.   Frantz, J., Locke, J., and Krause, C. 2007. The new computer program virtual ... managing powdery mildew of pumpkin, 2006. (Publication in Plant Disease Management Reports. Volume1 2007). ...

  10. Publications 2010-2011

    Chen Y., Whitehill J.G.A., Bonello P. and Poland T.M. 2011. Differential response in foliar chemistry of three ash species to emerald ash borer adult feeding.  Journal of Chemical Ecology 37(1): 29-39. Chen Y., ...
