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  1. More than 100 farms come together to make Third Annual Agritourism Conference a success

    operations or farm markets, conducted on a farm that allows or invites members of the general public to ... homework and some planning to ensure you are managing the associated risks of having the general public ...

  2. March 2020 Highlights

    prevent public health problems in low-acid and acidified low-acid canned foods. Nominations are open for ...

  3. Nuisance Law

    Nuisance Law Library Our Publications Laws that Provide Defenses for Agricultural Production ...

  4. How adding green tea extract to prepared foods may reduce the risk for norovirus

    sanitizers and antimicrobial agents,” he said. “However, because it has public health concerns and has been ...

  5. Seth Walker

    Seth Walker Public Safety Manager 1727 Williams Road, Police Station, Wooster, Ohio 44691 (330) ...

  6. Blackberries

    University Department of Horticulture Publication No.47.  Available online at ...

  7. Aquaculture team publishes book, 12 scholarly articles during 2019

    Sherman contributed to all the publications through language editing work. The following is a list of the ...

  8. Bauman, Gardner take on new roles with co-ops team

    she managed the news and event publications, website, social media, listservs, and served as the event ... publications coordinator, website, social media, and listserv manager, and was the event coordinator. Gardner ...

  9. Water Law

    Water Law Library Our Publications Agricultural Nutrients and Water Quality: Recent Litigation in ...

  10. Computer Labs and Services

    also function as public computing sites when not being used by classes. Most sites are open to students ... on a first-come, first-served basis. Each public site offers some of the following: Windows computers ... drives E-mail access BuckID Printing & Photocopying Printers in the public computing sites and ...
