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  1. Got Concerns? Dairy Scholar Extols Nutritional Virtues of Milk

    mongering” that may have led to some public misconceptions that it is not good for you. “It is unethical to ...

  2. People

    ramorum Publications: Bonello 2010 Eyles et al. 2010 Kleczewski et al. 2010 Mittapalli et al. 2010 Nagle ...

  3. On-Farm Assessment & Environmental Review (OFAER) Program

    stewardship, minimize livestock impact on watersheds, improve the public's perception of livestock ...

  4. Sarah D. (Ellis) Williams

    The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Graduation Date: June 2007 Publications Gibson, J., S. ...

  5. Protecting Income Over Feed Cost Margin on U.S. Dairy Farms

    characterized by low feed prices and very stable milk prices supported through an active public stock-holding ... by the dairy industry in the United States.  These include a quasi-private-public insurance product ... the past decade.  This has led to an increased focus on providing, whether private or public, more ...

  6. Ohio State ag law professor helps farmers know their rights

    was represent farmers and ranchers on public lands because Wyoming is mostly public land,” said Hall. ...

  7. 4-H Publication Website Closed for 2 Weeks

    If you haven't bought your project books from our offices or through the website yet, you will need to do so before June 14!  The website and all ordering will be shut down for 2 weeks, so don't want until the last m ...

  8. Results of Dairy Skillathon and Dairy Judging Clinics at Ohio State Fair

    publications: A new bulletin board outside of my office also helps to tell the ...

  9. Dairy Farm Labor

    A (Publication 51), Agricultural Employers Tax Guide, Rev. January 2003. State & School District Income Taxes ... Agribusiness/Farm Management and Bernie Erven publications) Agr. Business Enhancement Center, ...

  10. David Showalter

    David Showalter Publications Showalter DN, Troyer EJ, Aklu M, Jang EB, Siderhurst MS. 2010. ...
