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  1. Dairy Palooza

    workshops on new topics such as dairy foods and public relations. There will continue to be hands- on ...

  2. News: Faculty, staff honored for service, scholarship, teaching and advising

    Frances Whited, public relations 20 Years- Connie Miller, horticulture 25 Years- Kim Sayers, business ...

  3. #TrueLeaders: 4-H Week

    spring in Columbus to learn about public policy, begin planning and tour the Capitol. Proposals were ... necessary to have their public policy program adopted by the appropriate government authorities. Each ... comfort zone and get over my fear of public speaking,” Cecilia said. Cecilia put these skills to the test ...

  4. Device Ready: Managing Your On-line Presence

    publication date pending 2013 Pilot Project Report Poster from Galaxy, the 2013 National Extension Conference ...

  5. Welcome Jordan Maxwell- New ABC-2 Coordinator

    progress reports, publications, and news articles. ABC-2 is funded through the United States Department of ...

  6. OSU South Centers to host annual Hops Field Night

    available,” she said. “There is a thirst for information from the public; that is why these events are so ...

  7. Citation Help

    Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Title of the Database or Web site. Web. Date you accessed the ... isn't a publisher or site sponsor use N.p.), 2013 (date of publication: day, month, year as available). ... Abbreviations for missing information No pages found n. pag. No date of publication n.d. No place of ...

  8. Duty Area A:

    (e.g., loans, member-ships, grants) 8 Conduct outreach activities (e.g., displays, public speaking ...

  9. Master Gardener Volunteers

    questions from the public; conducting plant clinics; gardening activities with children, senior citizens, or ...

  10. Two aquaculture books completed in 2017

    conservationists to control invasive species using sex control approach. This publication will provide useful ...
