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public rubber

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  1. PFI: AIR-RA

    PFI: AIR-RA Scaling up the Manufacturing Process of a New Rubber for Commodity and Biomedical ... resources, and is a potential replacement of halobutyl rubber, which is used to make the gas-barrier inner ... silicone rubber. These features provide the following advantages: the performance of commercial halobutyl ...

  2. Dr. Judit E. Puskas Received the 2017 Charles Goodyear Medal

    Awards Banquet at the Spring Technical Meeting of Rubber Division, ACS in Beachwood, OH. The most ... prestigious award given by Rubber Division, ACS, honors an individual for outstanding invention, innovation or ... development which resulted in significant change or contribution to the nature of the rubber industry. Puskas’ ...

  3. Chemical Engineering graduate student receives Paul Glasgow Student Scholarship

    University of Akron’s Rubber Division ACS Student Chapter. Candidates were evaluated based on academic and ... research achievements, and dedication to the rubber industry. She received a cash amount of $500 along with ...

  4. Sources of Natural Rubber

    Hevea brasiliensis (Rubber Tree) The rubber tree will grow to be 100 to 130 feet in height, and ... A rubber tree can be tapped for latex when it is six years of age. Parthenium argentatum (Guayule) ... as an alternate source of latex that is also hypoallergenic, unlike the normal Hevea rubber. The name ...

  5. FABE Ph.D. Grad Student wins Best Student Presentation Award at the 2019 IEC

    presentation was titled "Liquid Guayule Natural Rubber, a Renewable, Multifunctional Rubber ...

  6. Researchers are Using Tomato Peels and Eggshells to Make Tires

    excellent filler for rubber tires, exceeding industrial standards for performance. Filler is combined with ... rubber to make the rubber composite used in tires. Food waste could partially replace carbon black, the ...

  7. Germplasm

    Male Sterility in Rubber Dandelion: A Prerequisite to Develop Hybrids       Enhancing rubber dandelion ... kok-saghyz                      Hybridization Between the Rubber-Producing Dandelion Taraxacum kok-saghyz and the ... Taraxacum kok-saghyz               Lights, Cold and ET Action! Increasing Rubber Production in Taraxacum ...

  8. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering student received Paul Glasgow Student Scholarship

    University of Akron’s Rubber Division ACS Student Chapter. Candidates were evaluated based on academic and ... research achievements, and dedication to the rubber industry. She will receive a cash amount of $1000 along ...

  9. Projects

    Delivery Applications Scaling up the Manufacturing Process of a New Rubber for Commodity and Biomedical ...

  10. Pailing Liu

    extraction efficiency of the rubber dandelion, Taraxacum kok-saghyz (TK). His project was about applying T. ... lanuginosus and its crude enzymes to hydrolyze TK roots to increase the rubber yield and purity.  Graduated ...
