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  1. Graduate Exit Seminar- Ashlyn Halseth

    populations is crucial for both wildlife conservation and public health. The Cook County Coyote Project, ...

  2. SENR Announcements, April 11

    as geology, earth sciences, engineering, public health, and crop sciences among others. Three of our ...

  3. Graduate student awarded a NSF Dissertation grant to study conservation decision-making

    Louis before completing a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the University of Washington. Her ...

  4. Assessing Forage Stands and Winter Damage

    a useful publication; “Alfalfa Stand Assessment: Is this stand good enough to keep?”, in which they provide ...

  5. Gift cements collaborative alliance in wetland, waterfowl, and wildlife ecology

    the public on their value and importance to society. “Science-based, adaptive wildlife management ...

  6. Forest Cemetery Tree and Tombstone Walk

    to discover something new. The Tree and Tombstone Walks are open to the public, no pre-registration ...

  7. Forest Cemetery Tree and Tombstone Walk

    to discover something new. The Tree and Tombstone Walks are open to the public, no pre-registration ...

  8. Forest Cemetery Tree and Tombstone Walk

    to discover something new. The Tree and Tombstone Walks are open to the public, no pre-registration ...

  9. Forest Cemetery Tree and Tombstone Walk

    to discover something new. The Tree and Tombstone Walks are open to the public, no pre-registration ...

  10. ASC Science Sundays- "Climate change in Ohio: What should you do?"

    motivates and constrains different land use and land management decisions on private and public lands. ... Science Sundays is a free lecture series open to the public that provides a wide range of current and ...
