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public rubber

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  1. Commercial Applicator

    A commercial applicator applies pesticides: for hire; or on publicly accessible sites such as golf ...

  2. FieldWatch

    available to the general public, so users must register before entering the site. Access by only licensed ...

  3. Sara Mastellar elected to NAEAA Executive Committee

    representing individuals from public and private institutions and the equine industry that strive to educate ...

  4. Take-home COVID testing kits

    results from these kits, but local public health authorities will be notified. Ohio State students and ...

  5. Alternative Vegetative Cover Strategies can benefit both Landowners and Solar Developers

    establishment, and site maintenance are summarized. Click on the title above to view the publication on Ohioline. ...

  6. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Akron- 2022

    is  NO PUBLIC PARKING  in the lot directly behind the John S. Knight center.  Agenda ...

  7. Ohio State plans for reactivated campuses in 2021-22

    study the latest data related to COVID-19 and public health. Ohio State will develop contingency plans ... health experts. By implementing substantial testing, monitoring, contact tracing and public health ...

  8. Grants available for on-farm research in Sustainable Agriculture

    Sustainable Agriculture, established to identify and publicize sustainable agricultural practices and systems ...

  9. CD Wire- December 20, 2021

    Congratulations, Sandy!! Publication Update: New CD Fact Sheets Since the last CD Wire, the following fact sheets ...

  10. Virtual exhibitors sought for COSI Science Festival

    8 with a virtual Big Science Celebration. As in years past, this event is meant to engage the public in ...
