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  1. Cameron S. White

    Council, public relations chair | Animal Sciences Academic Affairs Committee, student representative ...

  2. Jacob M. Lesch

    research, from experimental design to publication, and everything in between. Jacob has been able to ...

  3. Rachel H. Leitson

    a groundbreaking ceremony for a public sponsored project that the mayor of Columbus and a senator for Ohio both ...

  4. Olivia K. Pflaumer

    public during that time, Olivia worked on programming that would provide in-person opportunities for ...

  5. August 2021 Highlights

    Science and Technology Building room 118 each week and are open to the public. Upcoming Events September ...

  6. Dr. Jiyoung Lee

    appointment with the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health. She is a Co-Director ...

  7. Covid 19 Resources

    Sample Exemption for Public Tours of Gardens (Pam's #300) Sample Exemption for OSUE MGV Plant Sales ...

  8. Gina Nicholson Kramer Joins CFI Team as Program Director for Partnerships and Learning

    Program Manager at Columbus Public Health, and Food Safety Specialist at Richland County Health ...

  9. $100,000 gift to CFAES to support food safety

    14-year record of protecting public health to CFAES in September 2019. The center, which is now housed ... risk-based food safety system that prevents foodborne illnesses and protects public health by translating ... stream of funds for CFI’s public policy and translational research efforts, which include, for example, ...

  10. Balasubramaniam receives 2021 IFT Achievement Award

    440 publications and numerous chapters, books, and patents to his credit. Decker has also received ... of the food industry, students in food science, and public health. Gravani received a BS in food ... originality on all food frontiers led to her election as an IFT Fellow in 2006. Public Health Award in Honor ...
