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  1. February 2022 Department Highlights

    prevent public health problems in low-acid and acidified low-acid canned foods. Know of a great food ...

  2. Leadership Development Programs

    of a productive relationship with citizens and why it is the responsibility of those holding public ... surroundings, techniques that encourage attendance and productive participation, requirements of a public ... meeting and the difference between a public meeting and public hearing. While the focus in on how public ...

  3. December 2021 Department Highlights

    significant impact on their fields, students, CFAES, and University, and/or the public. It is essential that ...

  4. Cameron S. White

    Council, public relations chair | Animal Sciences Academic Affairs Committee, student representative ...

  5. Jacob M. Lesch

    research, from experimental design to publication, and everything in between. Jacob has been able to ...

  6. Rachel H. Leitson

    a groundbreaking ceremony for a public sponsored project that the mayor of Columbus and a senator for Ohio both ...

  7. Dr. Jiyoung Lee

    appointment with the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health. She is a Co-Director ...

  8. Olivia K. Pflaumer

    public during that time, Olivia worked on programming that would provide in-person opportunities for ...

  9. August 2021 Highlights

    Science and Technology Building room 118 each week and are open to the public. Upcoming Events September ...

  10. Pesticide and Fertilizer License Information

    commercial license area also includes applicators who work for a government or public agency such as a K-12 ... apply to sites accessible to the public and private companies such as landscapers and lawncare services. ...
