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  1. The 34th Annual PreKwanzaa Celebration

    Free and open to the public PreKwanzaa, a tradition that began 32 years ago at The Ohio State ...

  2. Learning from Our Leaders: A Conversation with Asian American Activist Christine Chen

    public. Register here: Please direct all inquiries to Dr. Leo Taylor ...

  3. Understanding Generational Diversity in Today’s Workplace: Creating Synergies Through Effective Communication

    Ohio State University community and public. Presenter: Ankit Shah is a Career Consultant in the Lhota ...

  4. Accessibility Webinar

    As a public institution, The Ohio State University and OSU Extension have a responsibility to ...

  5. Deogracious (Deo) Massawe

    Deogracious (Deo) Massawe Publications from thesis and other research Stewart, L., Todd, J., ... Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania Publications and Presentations are under the Works tab ...

  6. DEI Professional Development Workshop: Did They Really Just Say That?! Being an Active Bystander

    light snacks will be provided. Facilitator: Lena Tenney, MPA, MEd., Coordinator of Public Engagement, ...

  7. The Intersectionality of Blackness and Queerness: A Panel Discussion

    OSU students, staff, and faculty and the general public.  If you have any questions about ...

  8. What's Your Bias? Exploring Implicit Bias: Opportunities to Address & Respond to Bias

    implicit bias. Lena Tenney is the coordinator of public engagement at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of ...

  9. Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

    of, and to enhance the public understanding of an appreciation for Hispanics, Chicanos, Native ...

  10. Digital Activism

    within society. The stories and struggles of minorities often aren’t well known or publicized, but social ... Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring, and the Black Lives Matter movement, social media can create public ... videos of events as they occur, battling for a public and global opinion on the pro-democracy movement. ...
