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  1. Congratulations Bill Weiss!

    served on 2 National Research Committees that wrote the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle publication ...

  2. Ohio State Receives $6.5M Grant for Bioenergy, Biofuel Research

    public-private partnership between The Ohio State University and quasar,” said quasar president Mel Kurtz. "Work related ...

  3. Proposal Development Resources

    around the world) The Discovery Tool: Glenn School of Public Affairs  Battelle Center for Science and ... Public Access Initiatives: Ohio State Library's Research Commons blog Scholarship Preservation: Ohio ...

  4. Retired Ohio State Virologist 'A True Hero for Science, Agriculture'

    250 other publications. Additionally, he has given more than 100 presentations and guest lectures all over ...

  5. Ohio State Researcher Developing Universal Flu Vaccine with $2.2 Million Grant

    Martha Filipic WOOSTER, Ohio-- As public health officials keep a wary eye for signs of resurgence ...

  6. The World Is the Classroom: CFAES Study Abroad Provides Unique Educational Experiences

    with public policy education and leadership development, AZP mirrors the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers ...

  7. Out for Blood: Ticks, Lyme Disease Cases on the Rise in Ohio

    Needham said researchers and public health authorities are paying particular attention to  Lyme disease, ...

  8. Dr. Lyda Garcia Brings Passion for Meat Science & Agriculture to the Department

    knowledge with others came from her mother Amada S. Garcia, she was a public school teacher and taught night ...

  9. Ohio State to Conduct Wide Range of Shale-Related Research

    industry leaders and the public. The university formed a research cluster with a $50,000 seed grant from ... the College of Public Health, and the College of Arts and Sciences. The group also includes ...

  10. Congratulations Mike Day!

    publication and graduate student education record. International and industry collaborations have been key ...
