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  1. Ohio 4-H News and Notes

    public data. 3)      Participants will engage in discussion and reflection with colleagues and national ...

  2. Stone Laboratory Research Brief- Renewable Energy Development: Aiding Public Officials in the Decision Making Process

    In Ohio, county commissioners are faced with the difficult decision of approving or denying alternative energy zones in their community. This decision can generate millions of dollars in local tax revenue, but will alter the landscape of the community for ...

  3. MFCs- Basic Information

    However, long-term use of these conventional fuels has led to public concerns over resource depletion, ...

  4. 2013 News & Notes Archive

    in Public Settings November 10 INDEX: 11.5.13 Resources, Yough Financial Literacy Contest, Local STEM ...

  5. Blog Entries

    by the public. Inserting Images You might come across a situation where the Attached Images field ...

  6. 1980's

    Buckeye Farm News, he supported and encouraged the submission of 4-H news and activities for publication ... both the public school system as well as 4-H. In her 52 years as an advisor to a local 4-H club, she ... Ohio 4-H Foundation for many years.  As a public speaker, Art has the unique ability to inspire his ...

  7. Bioprocessing Research Lab- Publications

