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  1. Kinder selected as AAAS Fellow

    peer-reviewed publications. He trained numerous graduate students, who in turn went on to successful careers in ...

  2. BUSTEC 1200T Exploring Business

    Assignment Group Project:  Small groups will be formed and asked to choose a publicly traded ...

  3. Documentation

    content, and arranging the content in the navigation (primary links) menu. The main public navigation ...

  4. Dairy Herd Health Protocols

    and/or farm employees. As agriculture increasingly falls under public scrutiny and consumer demand exerts ...

  5. Brandon Parks '13 Wins Design Competition

    a well-respected company and with very specific plant and site needs: in this case, public and bee friendly, while ...

  6. Pastures and Pipelines

    operators to reserve the right to construct a private or public road across the easement as the farm expands ...

  7. Pre-Fair Message to 2015 4-H/FFA Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors

    Rules for Horse Shows publication.  Anyone with questions about the legality of their tack or bits is ...

  8. Key Considerations to Help Evaluate an On-Farm Solar Energy Proposal

    electric bill. A  list of utility contacts  can be found on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) ...

  9. New Books and More

    1924-2003 The Oxford companion to food  S441.N76 2014 Nordahl, Darrin Public produce: cultivating our parks, ...

  10. CFAES conducts survey of animal facilities

The horse arena at GDLL would be expanded to provide classroom space and public seating for community ...
