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  1. For Students at Ohio State Wetland, New Meaning to Swamped by Classes

    are open to the public, including to other Ohio State students and faculty and staff, from dawn to ...

  2. Spencer Debenport

    Fellowship Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (FAES) Environmental Fellowship Publications ...

  3. Ohio State’s First Green Roof Makes Debut

    Martha Filipic COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio State University’s first publicly accessible green roof is ...

  4. Ohio State Receives $6.5M Grant for Bioenergy, Biofuel Research

    public-private partnership between The Ohio State University and quasar,” said quasar president Mel Kurtz. "Work related ...

  5. Graduate News (click for more)

    appointed to the Office of Public Relations and Outreach Board; Testen served on this board in 2015- Ellie ...

  6. Retired Ohio State Virologist 'A True Hero for Science, Agriculture'

    250 other publications. Additionally, he has given more than 100 presentations and guest lectures all over ...

  7. Ohio State Researcher Developing Universal Flu Vaccine with $2.2 Million Grant

    Martha Filipic WOOSTER, Ohio-- As public health officials keep a wary eye for signs of resurgence ...

  8. Lee Elected Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science

    controversies about foods to the public. “Ken Lee’s leadership at Ohio State and in our college is ...

  9. The World Is the Classroom: CFAES Study Abroad Provides Unique Educational Experiences

    with public policy education and leadership development, AZP mirrors the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers ...

  10. Got Concerns? Dairy Scholar Extols Nutritional Virtues of Milk

    mongering” that may have led to some public misconceptions that it is not good for you. “It is unethical to ...
