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  1. Ohio State Announces New Public-Private Partnership to Enhance Ohio MarketMaker

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio food producers and buyers will soon have access to a newly enhanced and expanded web-based resource with food industry-related information that links producers to potential customers thanks to a new partnership announced today by Ohi ...

  2. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Oct. 16

    Amendment Public House, 150 W. Liberty St., Wooster. Ohio State University Extension Wildlife Specialist ...

  3. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Aug. 22

    Michael Specter, New Yorker staff writer covering science, technology and public health issues. ...

  4. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Feb. 2

    in educating the public about the local consequences of global climate change. Free. Information: ...

  5. SÕL-CON: The Brown and Black Comix Expo Opening Reception

    workshops, academic panels Hale Hall, Ohio State Campus   Open to the public ...

  6. Handprinter Presentation and Discussion: A Tool to Improve Sustainability Literacy at Ohio State

    of Public Health and Visiting Professor, Applied Sustainability Center at the University of Arkansas ...

  7. Dairy Herd Health Protocols

    and/or farm employees. As agriculture increasingly falls under public scrutiny and consumer demand exerts ...

  8. Linking Land Use and the Economy: Our Land, Our Water, Our Future

    Public Affairs.  The annual conference usually attracts up to 150 participants and is designed to ...

  9. August

    Racial and Ethnic Minorities; Science, Knowledge and Technology; Sociological Practice and Public ...

  10. Pre-Fair Message to 2015 4-H/FFA Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors

    Rules for Horse Shows publication.  Anyone with questions about the legality of their tack or bits is ...
