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  1. Milking Procedures Affect Milk Quality

    she advises milkers to practice; the publication is available on-line at ...

  2. Proposal Development Resources

    around the world) The Discovery Tool: Glenn School of Public Affairs  Battelle Center for Science and ... Public Access Initiatives: Ohio State Library's Research Commons blog Scholarship Preservation: Ohio ...

  3. Congratulations Bill Weiss!

    served on 2 National Research Committees that wrote the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle publication ...

  4. Changes to Federal Order Pricing Rules May Lower 2007 Milk Prices

    is: November 22, 2006: Federal Register publication of the Tentative Final Decision (TFD) is adopted ...

  5. Dr. Lyda Garcia Brings Passion for Meat Science & Agriculture to the Department

    knowledge with others came from her mother Amada S. Garcia, she was a public school teacher and taught night ...

  6. rbST Safety Around the World

    dairy policy, with varying success. Concerns over public safety were always cleared by the competent ... Courts found concerns to be unfounded. Despite the scientific finding of safety to human and public ...

  7. Researchers Complete Advanced Cluster Analysis for EDA-Funded Project

    quality, using a wide variety of public and private data sources.  The cluster analysis revealed both ...

  8. Early Publication

    Wednesday Wire is publishing a day early this week due to the Independence Day holiday. We'll resume the regular schedule next week. ...

  9. Nimishillin Creek Watershed Partners

    others to bring these issues to the public to involve them in the solutions to these problems. 05040001 ...

  10. Chagrin River Watershed Partners, Inc.

    rising infrastructure costs and threats to public and private property created by the loss of natural ...
