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June Small Grains Field Days
stand requirements. The event is free and open to the public. No pre-registration is required. Wheat ...
Ohio State Leads Effort to Prep Students for Biobased Careers
to remain a global leader in the use of biobased resources, public-private partnerships will be key ...
Southern Rust and Common Rust on Hybrid Corn: How to Tell Them Apart
( can be used as a guide for timing fungicide applications based on the occurrence and the movement ...
Farm Science Review 2014: Plan your show
Be sure to visit the AgCrops Team demonstration plots as you enter the show from the public parking ...
Agricultural Fertilizer Certification Trainings Offered before Sept. 30 Deadline
and public agencies to protect human health and the environment and serves as a critical part of job ...
2016 Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop
person. Lunch will be provided. The following publications will be provided to all participants: 1. ...
Now is the Time to Fine Tune Your Sprayer
of the newsletter. In the mean time, you can check the OSU Extension publication on boom sprayer ... calibration. Here is the URL for this publication: ...
Now is the Time to Check Your Nozzles
generate nozzle recommendations in their Apps. A new Ohio State University Extension Publication, entitled ... spray nozzle for a given application situation. The publication is available online at following web ...
Ohio Composting Industry Tour Is Aug. 24
large-scale composting, including business owners, compost facility staff, farmers, scientists and public ...
Environmental Science Student Symposium Is Wednesday at Ohio State
High St., in Columbus. Admission is free and open to the public. This is the fifth year that Ohio State ...