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  1. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    Reception and Public Information Session for those individuals interested in feed composition and ration ...

  2. Inside This Issue

    Specialist, Ohio State University Extension First published in 1997, this publication has been widely ...

  3. Upgrading and Maintaining Farm Lighting  .  There are some very good publications from the University of Wisconsin Extension (click on the ...

  4. Upgrading and Maintaining Farm Lighting  There are some very good publications from the University of Wisconsin Extension (click on the ...

  5. Secure Milk Supply: Ohio’s Role

    a public health or food safety concern. Clinically, the virus results in blisters on the animals feet, ...

  6. Nutrient Management Algae Control Legislation

    publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) to conduct monthly monitoring of total and dissolved phosphorous by ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes: February 5, 2016

    More Than a Horse Show Public Speaking 101 Discovering your Real Colors Time & Life Management 4-H ...

  8. GIS and Environmental Information Systems Links

    public-private partnership to coordinate and support geo-referenced date and services) Ohio DNR DSWR Earth ... more to private and public sectors to help make land use and management decisions) Ohio DNR GIS website ...

  9. Ohio 4-H Professionals Recognized Nationally

    4-H; Jill Stechschulte, Fulton County; Jane Wright, State 4-H Periodical Publication (team): Greg Yost, ...

  10. What Does Discovery of Bovine Tuberculosis in a Herd in Ohio Mean for Ohio Livestock Farmers?

    infected herds, and paying indemnity for them, has become very expensive and harder to justify to a public ... a tremendous investment in public and private resources, and the unaffected farms in that state share heavily ... options will not mitigate disease spread, there is an imminent public or animal health risk, and/or it is ...
