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  1. CD Wire- February 25, 2014

    Public Understanding of Fracking,” Thursday, March 6, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at WOSU@COSI. Join a public ... media and risk communication experts. The event is free and open to the public. RSVP by Wednesday, March ... in addition to checking the diversity resources webpage  ADA FAQs. Articles/Publications of Interest: ...

  2. Individual trait variation in a native predator affects its consumption of a novel, non-native prey.

    Pintor, L.M. & J.E. Byers. 2015. Individual trait variation in a native predator affects its consumption of a novel, non-native prey. Behavioral Ecology 26(3): 797-804. Lauren M. Pintor Journal article ...

  3. Do native predators benefit from non-native prey?

    Pintor, L.M. & J.E. Byers. 2015. Do native predators benefit from non-native prey? Ecology Letters, 18(11): 1174-1180. Lauren M. Pintor Journal article ...

  4. Behavioral differences within and among populations of an African cichlid found in divergent and extreme environments.

    Oldham, R.C.*, L.M. Pintor, & S.M. Gray. 2018. Behavioral differences within and among populations of an African cichlid found in divergent and extreme environments. Current Zoology, zoy027, Lauren M. Pintor Journal ...

  5. Biogeographic differences between native and non-native populations of crayfish alter species coexistence and trophic interactions in mesocosms.

    Glon, M.G., L.S. Reisinger, & L.M. Pintor. 2018. Biogeographic differences between native and non-native populations of crayfish alter species coexistence and trophic interactions in mesocosms.  Biological Invasions, ...

  6. Does predator-driver, biotic resistance limit the northward spread of the non-native green porcelain crab, Petrolisthes armatus?

    Kinney*, K.A., L.M. Pintor & J.E. Byers. 2018. Does predator-driver, biotic resistance limit the northward spread of the non-native green porcelain crab, Petrolisthes armatus? Biological Invasions, Lauren M. P ...

  7. Program Will Look at Faith and the Environment

    the network and the public. Details and a link to online registration and payment are at ...

  8. Forestry

    making more informed decisions regarding stewardship of their acreage. Classes, workshops, publications ...

  9. CD Wire- February 11, 2013

    report is posted on the  OSU Extension home page  in the Publications section on the right side (it is ...

  10. EEOB Spring Seminar Series

    produced over 200 technical publications and he has edited three books dealing with marine ecology. Dr. ...
