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  1. Learn How to Trade Carbon at OSU Extension Workshop

    Road, Sidney. The meeting is free and open to the public. Mark Wilson of Land Stewards will provide ...

  2. New Nutrition, Food Safety Institute to be Developed at OSU

    Veterinary Medicine, and Medicine and Public Health are integrating agriculture, food systems, nutrition and ... as educating the public and providing them with the kind of information they need to distinguish ...

  3. Survey Explores Farmers' Opinions of 2007 Farm Bill

    economists tackled in the 2007 Agricultural, Food, and Public Policy Preference Survey. The survey was ... survey, log on to Candace Pollock Carl Zulauf ...

  4. Iceland President Returning to Ohio to Raise Climate Change Awareness

    Fighting Climate Change," is free to the public. A short question-and-answer session will follow the ... and the John Glenn School of Public Affairs. Candace Pollock Rattan Lal False True True False True ...

  5. OARDC Scientist Earns International Poultry Group Honor

    muscle formation. She has written 86 full-length peer-reviewed scientific publications; has received ...

  6. OARDC Poultry Scientist Honored for Research Achievements

    Sciences. She has produced 96 full-length publications in 23 highly respected scientific journals, two ...

  7. Lake County Extension Educator Honored with National Nursery Award

    technology to the green industry, and promote it before both the gardening public and government. According ...

  8. OARDC Breaks Ground for Unique Ag Safety Research Facility

    expected to contribute to advancements in public health. However, no human studies will be conducted at ... seeks to establish public-private business partnerships and spur job creation in the agricultural ...

  9. OARDC Recognizes Composting, Bioproducts, Bioenergy Leader

    chapters, 108 peer- or editor-reviewed journal articles, and many other publications. An article of his on ...

  10. Impact of Natural Gas Production on Rural Ohio Discussed at Farm Science Review 2011

    environment, including the associated public policy issues. Following the panel, Southgate will also discuss ...
