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  1. Pigs Gone Wild Have Come to Ohio

    Extension.) “Like any invasive species, eradication and management of feral swine can’t happen without public ...

  2. Heather Pariso films Garden Gurl episodes at Ohio State ATI

    taping. The exposure to the public about Ohio State ATI through these TV shows will be wonderful," ...

  3. New Nitrogen Test, ‘Subsurfer’ Injector Among Highlights at Manure Science Review Aug. 6

    Menke of Menke Consulting. “Livestock Stewardship: Telling Our Stories,” a look at ways to build public ...

  4. Christmas trees living large: A photo tour in Secrest Arboretum

    to the public seven days a week, dawn to dusk. The 110-acre facility is part of the Wooster campus of ...

  5. Project Focuses on Improving Food Pantries in Rural Food Deserts

    consultant in public health in North Carolina," Remley said. Social marketers such as Newton-Ward apply ...

  6. News tips and events for the week of March 18

    environmental conservation. Open to the public, no registration required. Details: 10 Tree ...

  7. Time to rethink your vegetable oil?

    College of Public Health and Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, director of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine ...

  8. Fair Flu: It's Nothing to Sneeze At

    Public Health Veterinarians offer the following information and tips on how fair exhibitors and visitors ...

  9. News Tips and Events for the Week of Dec. 17

    community leaders across public and private sectors who are making targeted efforts to mitigate and adapt to ...

  10. How Good Nutrition Can Combat Effects of Lead in Water

    has been in the news recently after reports of dangerous amounts of lead in public drinking water ...
