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  1. Breakout 2

    740412 In April, Columbus Public Health opened the Center for Public Health Innovation to recognize ... declared racism a public health crisis, in part to recognize the striking health disparities associated ... Columbus joined Franklin County to declare racism a public health crisis. What does all of this mean for ...

  2. Office Opening: Monday, February 15, 2021

    following University, public health and the Governor's orders. This may require our office to close on ...

  3. 2020 Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    public and $50 for Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteers. REGISTRATION:  Space ...

  4. Spring Garden Walk Virtual Event with Charles Madison Nabrit Memorial Garden  or dial in 312-626-6799 Meeting ID 917 8983 8116 COST: Free and open to the public. ...

  5. Treasurer Sprague, OSU Extension, Partner to Advance Real Money Real World Curriculum

    matters in both the public and private sectors. Under Treasurer Sprague’s direction, the office manages ...

  6. Aging and Eating: CANCELLED

    session is free and open to the public. Please call 614-234-4660 to register. ...

  7. Thriving Across the Life Span

    skills and knowledge with the public and improving the public’s understanding of horticulture and nature. ... NEAFCS Communications Award: Educational Publication Central Region Winners were 2 nd Place – Patricia ...

  8. Garden Planning, Methods, and Strategies

    and questions. These events are free and open to the public.  Thursday, February 27: Gardening ...

  9. Transplanting: Cancelled

    Come to one or all of the sessions. All events are free and open to the public.  Thursday, February 13 ...

  10. Whitney Gherman Receives MLK Commission Award

    forefront as a public health issue, and work to build community-led programming on food insecurity, racial ...
