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public rubber

Search results

  1. Lu Zhao

    allocation between rubber synthesis and storage carbohydrate inulin, and evaluating the contribution of ... inulin reserves in providing carbon for rubber synthesis in Taraxacum kok-saghyz and Taraxacum ...

  2. Ashley Venturini

    design and testing of rubber products for biomedical applications. ...

  3. Lily Zinan Luo

    rubber yield of Rubber Dandelion (TK) using a combination of traditional and modern breeding methods such ...

  4. Prof. Katrina Cornish

    and is the first Ohio Research Scholar to be appointed. She leads a program in alternate rubber ... expert, and is internationally recognized as a principal authority, on alternative natural rubber ... production, properties and products, and on natural rubber biosynthesis. ...

  5. Natural Rubber- US Centric Industrial Crop Innovation for BioEconomy Growth

    The US can support rubber/energy crops the size of corn or soybean with hundreds of thousands of ... new jobs, and the need is pressing, because world rubber demand is expected to grow from 12 million ...

  6. Take the "Unwrap Your Gifts" Wellness Challenge!

    information, For an accessible format of this publication ...

  7. COVID-19 and Deer Hunting Pathogen Safety

    your nose and mouth. Wear rubber or disposable gloves when handling the carcass. Take the gloves off ...

  8. Celebration of Youth Recap

    Hunt, a Dark e County 4-H alumna and a geologist, paleontologist, and public information specialist with ...

  9. Last call for 2023 Alumni Award nominations!

    are given annually in four categories: The Meritorious Service Award gives public recognition to ... excellence. The Distinguished Alumni Award gives public recognition to those who have brought distinction to ...

  10. Roadway Transport Safety of Anhydrous Ammonia Tanks

    protect the transporter and the public. Operator Age—Individuals transporting anhydrous ammonia must be 21 ... traveling on the Ohio public roadways is 25 mph and a SMV emblem must be displayed.  (Ohio Administrative ... rubber gloves and either a full-face gas mask, a pair of tight-fitting goggles, or one full face shield. ...
