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public rubber

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  1. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety Webinar: Food Safety and One Health: Approaches to Reducing Foodborne Pathogens and Zoonotic Diseases

    Human and animal health are tightly linked: Foodborne pathogens and parasites are persistent public ...

  2. Ohio’s Drainage Laws Get Major Update

    of the improvement, whether improvement is necessary, conducive to public welfare, will improve water ...

  3. Ag Secretary Vilsack: OARDC, Industry Partners Key to 'New Rural America'

    natural rubber during his first visit to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s ... briefed on a project seeking to develop a natural rubber industry in Ohio that would yield new enterprises ... and jobs. In partnership with leading rubber-products manufactures such as Bridgestone, Cooper Tire ...

  4. 2020 Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    public and $50 for Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteers. REGISTRATION:  Space ...

  5. Spring Garden Walk Virtual Event with Charles Madison Nabrit Memorial Garden  or dial in 312-626-6799 Meeting ID 917 8983 8116 COST: Free and open to the public. ...

  6. Kinnamon Joins Ohio State as Industry Liaison Director for Ag Biosciences

    general management executive and officer with Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. As vice president of the ... services for the Program of Excellence in Natural Rubber Alternatives (PENRA)-- a national consortium of ... university and private companies focused on developing domestic sources of natural rubber for ...

  7. Aging and Eating: CANCELLED

    session is free and open to the public. Please call 614-234-4660 to register. ...

  8. Garden Planning, Methods, and Strategies

    and questions. These events are free and open to the public.  Thursday, February 27: Gardening ...

  9. Transplanting: Cancelled

    Come to one or all of the sessions. All events are free and open to the public.  Thursday, February 13 ...

  10. Update on Office Closure

    be closed to the public until further notice. We will continue to work and serve local clientele ...
