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  1. Ecology & Conservation of Urban Green Spaces- Trees for Pollinators Habitat and Ecosystem Services

    Free and Open to the Public. RSVP: 513-785-7285 or ...

  2. Earth Day program celebrates Ohio’s native plants

    blueberry); and learn about the 2024 Ohio Native Plants of Distinction. Eat This Earth Day!   is a free public ...

  3. Earth Day program celebrates Ohio’s native plants

    learn about the 2024 Ohio Native Plants of Distinction. Eat This Earth Day! is a free public event. See ...

  4. Graduate student awarded a NSF Dissertation grant to study conservation decision-making

    Louis before completing a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the University of Washington. Her ...

  5. Rural and Environmental Sociology

    research and develop sociological theory and knowledge relevant to public policy and local development ... poverty, agriculture and food systems, environmental sociology, domestic rural development, public policy ... Communications  Economics  Geography  International and area studies  Public affairs  Social work  Sociology  ...

  6. SENR Announcements, April 11

    as geology, earth sciences, engineering, public health, and crop sciences among others. Three of our ...

  7. Graduate Exit Seminar- Ashlyn Halseth

    populations is crucial for both wildlife conservation and public health. The Cook County Coyote Project, ...

  8. Funding awarded to study trust in food, energy, and water consumption feedback

    regarding the use of aluminum in automotive manufacturing. Additionally, he has explored public perception ...

  9. Graduate Student Wins Future Leader in Science Award

    growth and science policy initiatives, and by providing quality, research-based publications and ...

  10. Molly Caren Agricultural Center overcomes tornado impact, Farm Science Review to proceed as planned

    closed to the public due to public safety and structural concerns. The show will go on in September, said ...
