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Urban Farm Tour- Converting Vacant Land
public can tour five of these farms this summer. Sponsored by Franklin County OSU Extension and Columbus ... Westerville. All the tours are free and open to the public. “These five tours have been chosen to highlight ...
Urban Farm Tours Happening Throughout Columbus
public can tour five of these farms this summer. Sponsored by Franklin County OSU Extension and Columbus ... Westerville. All the tours are free and open to the public. “These five tours have been chosen to highlight ...
CFAES Student Elected National FFA Officer
sponsors, government and education officials, state FFA leaders, the general public, and others. The team ...
New partnership planned with Beck's Hybrids: Goal is to 'put students first'
developing a detailed plan for moving this public-private partnership forward to "put students ...
Environmental Professional Network’s Public Breakfast Club
public. Clintonville is a neighborhood in north-central Columbus, and its many ravines — including Glen ...
June 8: Discover the Nature of Clintonville's Ravines
public. Clintonville is a neighborhood in north-central Columbus, and its many ravines — including Glen ...
Bucks win tractor: Finalists for Excellence in Agriculture award
really like that Farm Bureau is about building leadership and agricultural public policies,” Emily said ...
Survey: Slashing EPA Won't Improve U.S. Economy
significant that 96 percent of members surveyed disagree that unregulated markets provide public goods in ...
Dr. D. Elder publishes book
Congratulations to Dr. D. Elder on the recent publication of her book “ Why the Amish Sing ”. ... homes instead of public churches, few outsiders get the chance to hear Amish people sing. Amish music ...
Keys to reducing H3N2v flu risk? Public awareness, keeping sick pigs away from fairs
another." Public awareness is crucial Saif's colleague Chang-Won Lee, who specializes in the study of ... public about how influenza viruses work is crucial to more effectively reducing human illnesses, avoiding ...