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  1. CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum & Gamma Sigma Delta Induction

    public. Participation in this event will prepare students for the OSU Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. ...

  2. Natural and Unnatural Disasters: 3/11, 9/11, Asbestos, and the Unmaking of Japan's Modern World

    History. His recent publication is A Concise History of Japan (Cambridge University Press, 2015) which is ... public. A reception will be held from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.       ...

  3. The Salience of Diversity and Inclusivity in Environmental Organizations: Current Status and Future Strategies

    since the publication of the 2014 report The State of Diversity in Environmental Institutions. She also ...

  4. Climate-Smart Agriculture

    11/1/2017-1/1/2018. Peer-Reviewed Publications Aksakal, E.L., Barik, K., Angin, I., Sari, S., and Islam, K.R. (2019) ...

  5. Environmental Film Series-- Return of the River

    This public offering is also a Spring 2017 course offering through ENR 4193 Section 32330 and  ENR 6193 ...

  6. Environmental Film Series-- Red Gold

    leader. Free free pizzas and beverages @ 6:45. This public offering is also a Spring 2017 course offering ...

  7. How Climate Change became Controversial

    climate change as uncertain, even a hoax, leading significant segments of the public and numerous ...

  8. Endeavor Center and Small Business Development Center

    the Rio Grande Educational Channel 17 TV station. This public access TV Program broadcasts under the ... Time Warner Cable System using one of their Public Educational Channels. Viewers from four southern ...

  9. U.S.-China Scientific and Cooperative Exchange Program, 2017

    Maryland to understand the importance of publicly funded agricultural research in priority areas of crop ...

  10. Climate and Agriculture: Opportunities for Midwestern Agriculture

    refereed publications and 16 monographs, recipient of numerous awards, and elected to the ARS Hall of Fame ...
