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  1. NE Ohio Nursery Plants Trees in Tornado-hit Secrest: 'It's a Pay-it-forward Thing'

    closed to the public at large.- 30- Caption: KirK Cekada of Rusty Oak Nursery in northeast Ohio plants ...

  2. Food-Borne Pathogens May Be Controlled Through Manure Management

    a risk associated with public health," said Qijing Zhang, an Ohio State animal scientist and one of ...

  3. Fight Back Against Emerald Ash Borer; Inventory Community Trees

    approach public officials; learning about Ohio Department of Natural Resources urban forester resources; ...

  4. Strawberry Production Technique May Save Growers Time and Money

    being held earlier in the day. Horticulture Field Night is free to the public, and will include more ...

  5. Researchers Working to Improve Crop Production in India

    a professor with the School of Environment and Natural Resources. AKI is a public-private partnership program ...

  6. Chow Line: Focus on health to help kids lose weight (for 6/21/09)

    best for your family. The first link on the site is an online publication called "Helping Your ...

  7. Chow Line: Fiber goal linked with calorie intake

    publicized-- 25 to 38 grams-- includes just about all adults. The lower number is about right for most women, ...

  8. Chow Line: Don't alter recipes for home canning (for 4/20/08)

    of Georgia's "So Easy to Preserve," an $18, 375-page publication that incorporates the ...

  9. Federal Hearing First Stage in Future of Milk Revenues

    producers.   A U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Services public hearing has been ... still pooled was $21.3 million. "The public hearing is designed to introduce proposals to amend ...

  10. Farm Science Review program to discuss animal/human disease transmission

    Veterinary Public Health Program within Ohio State University's College of Veterinary Medicine.  “The ...
