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  1. Industry and Researcher Round Table on the Future of Food Fish/Shrimp Production in Ohio

    public’s perspective on farming and will occur over time through active communication, high-quality ...

  2. Blender Bike 2017

    From 2014 through the 2016-2017 school year, Pickett Academy, a Toledo Public Schools as Community ...

  3. Local Foods Tour Series- Sourcing and Retailing Local Foods

    producers.  It also provides a public gathering space where the community can learn more about local foods ...

  4. Global Climate Change and Gardening

    Coshocton County OSU Extension Office and is free and open to the public. For more information, email Tammi ...

  5. ODA Private Pesticide Applicator Test

    or apply to publicly-accessible sites. Private Applicator Tests include Core and the following ...

  6. Bergefurd receives Distinguished Service Award from The National Association of County Agricultural Agents 2015

    publications, and teaches on plasticulture strawberry, vegetable crop and hops production, produce auction ...

  7. Wild Horse Rescue Intern

    Wild Horse Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity located on a rural Mc Dermott ...

  8. Duty Area A:

    (e.g., loans, member-ships, grants) 8 Conduct outreach activities (e.g., displays, public speaking ...

  9. The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon Contracts with the University of Rio Grande

    TV station.  This public access TV Program broadcasts under the Time Warner cable system using the ... public educational channels.  With the addition of the public access channel 17 broadcast, viewers from ... 2015, it is the goal of the OSU-RIO Collaborative to distribute completed shows to other public access ...

  10. Northwest Ohio Green Industry Summer Session

    public.  Hazardous Algae Blooms, Eugene Braig, OSU Have your clients, or your client’s neighbors, asked you ... and ways to explain this to the public.    Session #2      1:00 pm-2:00 pm MGV, OCVN, OCNT,   Session ...
